Nobody likes finding out there are pests in their home, something that is true whether you are a tenant renting a property or the landlord in charge of a property. From small insects to large rodents, all kinds of pests can lead to big problems, from health issues to property damage.
In New Zealand, it is the responsibility of the landlord to ensure the property they own is pest-free. However, tenants must make sure they keep their homes in a condition that will not encourage pests.
This requirement leads to many more questions. For example, how do you identify if pests are the result of poor living conditions? Knowing this can be important because it can be difficult to determine the source of an infestation. Read on to learn more about identifying who is responsible and how to notice and control pests.

Identifying Who Is Responsible for Pest Control
There are many things you can do to identify who may be at fault for a pest issue, such as:
- Inspecting the home for possible pests before moving in.
- Ensuring your landlord has repaired all damage that could lead to pests.
- Noting the cleanliness of your home and if this could lead to a pest issue.
- If annual fumigation is included in your rental agreement, ensuring your landlord is keeping up with this arrangement.
Once you realise there are pests in your home, it is important to immediately let your landlord know. If you have just moved into the property, the landlord will likely take action to rid your home of pests.
It is important to ask your landlord if they are prepared to pay for pest control if you have reason to believe their lack of upkeep led to a pest problem. However, if you have not been taking care of your home properly, you may be entirely responsible for the costs.
Preventing Pests With a Home Inspection

Before you move into a rental property, you should always complete an inspection. An inspection can help you identify many common issues, such as possible structural damage.
It is important to note you should be watching out for areas where pests can get into a home during an inspection. This includes gaps around pipes and other similar areas. This is because even if a home does not already have pests, these problems can lead to future infestations.
A home inspection can also help you identify whether there are already pests inside a property. However, this means it is important for you to know how to identify signs of common household pests.
From easy to spot signs such as marks on walls where rodents have chewed to more subtle signs such as droppings, there are plenty of things to look out for.
Identifying Common Household Pests
Pests are always a nuisance. However, noting their presence early helps get rid of them faster. It can also give you a better idea of who is responsible for pest control in many cases.
Numerous types of household pests are found in New Zealand. These range from common pests found around the world to local critters requiring a little more specialised knowledge. Knowing what to look for is vital for identifying a pest issue early and getting it under control.
Common Signs of a Bed Bug Pest Issue
Bed bugs can be found around the world, including in New Zealand. While small, these creatures can present a big problem. Their numbers can increase dramatically in a short time, and it can be difficult to identify a bed bug infestation. Common signs include:
- Itchy welts, which can appear on any area of the body
- A musty odor arising from your bedding
- Spots of blood on sheets and mattresses
- Dark or rust-colored spots on sheets and mattresses
- Signs of shed skin, which are pale yellow
- Egg casings measuring under 1mm
It can be difficult to identify the source of a bed bug infestation. These small insects often get into a home by latching onto backpacks or luggage and may arise after an individual travels. Because it can be hard to identify the source of a bed bug infestation, landlords and tenants often work together to take care of pest control costs.
Common Signs of a Cockroach Pest Issue
Another common pest, cockroaches, are also found around the world. They are not a tremendous health risk but are still capable of transmitting diseases such as diarrhea or salmonella. Because of this, it is important to take care of them as quickly as possible. Signs of cockroaches are typically obvious and include:
- Seeing live cockroaches
- Black droppings measuring 1mm or less
- Shed cockroach skins
- A lingering musty odor
Many factors can lead to a cockroach infestation, making it difficult to identify who is responsible for pest control.
Cockroaches are often attracted to poor living conditions, such as homes where food and rubbish have been left out. However, they are also attracted to moisture and may be caused by leaky pipes, to name an example. Filling in cracks and holes to keep them out is also vital.
Common Signs of a Flea Pest Issue
If you have pets in your home, you may have an issue with fleas at some point. Flea prevention can keep this issue from arising. However, it is still a good idea to know the signs of fleas so you can prevent an infestation from growing and becoming a major issue. Signs include:
- Spotting tiny insects in your pet’s fur
- Seeing these same insects in your pet’s bedding or your carpet
- Your pets bite or scratch more often than usual
- You have found itchy, red bumps on your skin
In addition to treating your pet, you also need to treat your home in the case of a flea infestation. This will keep any fleas from getting back onto your pet’s fur and causing further problems.
Common Signs of a Rat or Mice Pest Issue
Among the many types of pests that can invade your home, rats and mice are perhaps the most noticeable. Unfortunately, they can also be among the most difficult to get rid of. One of the first things to do is determine whether you are dealing with rats or mice. Signs to take note of include:
- Droppings – Note that rat droppings are larger, while mouse droppings are small and smooth
- Gnaw marks – Rats have larger teeth and create larger marks, while those from mice are small and scratchy
- Trail marks – You can often see rodent trails in the dust on your floors
- Scratching and squeaking noises may be present, especially at night
- Pets may be agitated by the presence of rats and mice
As is the case with cockroaches, poor living conditions such as food and rubbish being left out may lead to the presence of rats and mice in the home. However, not taking care of gaps or cracks can give these rodents a way to get into living spaces.
Common Signs of a Feral Animal Pest Issue

New Zealand is host to many types of feral animals, all of which can be a nuisance when living around your home. It can be difficult to identify the type of feral creature around your home if you have not seen it firsthand. Some of the things to watch out for include:
- Feral cats – In addition to droppings, feral cats may leave behind pieces of beak, feet, and chest feather after making a kill
- Feral possums – Bare branches and ragged leaves are often a sign of a possum problem
- Magpies and Pigeons – In addition to hearing and seeing birds around the home, you may see debris from nests and feathers
Knowing the type of animal causing issues around your home is important. There are now many invasive species in New Zealand. Removing these animals helps protect the natural ecosystem.
Other Common Pest Issues
Issues such as cockroaches and rodents can pose a real challenge. However, there are many other types of pests you may be faced with when living in New Zealand. Identifying these pests and knowing what to do is always important.
There are over 2500 kinds of spiders in New Zealand. Fortunately, the vast majority are completely harmless, even though they may be unpleasant to have in your home. The only three spiders able to bite humans are the katipo, the redback, and the white-tailed spider.
Carpet beetles are another common issue. These bugs are small and black. It is important to get rid of them fast because they can damage clothing and infest pantries. However, a good cleaning is usually all you need to get rid of them.
New Zealand is home to seven types of borer. These insects get into the timber and chew away, causing significant damage. Often, the most noticeable sign of borers is small “flight holes” left on wood from hatching insects. Immediate treatment is always vital.
Pest Control in Your Home

When renting a home, you enter into an agreement with your landlord. The Residential Tenancies Act notes the rights as well as the responsibilities of both landlords and tenants. This is why a breach of the Residential Tenancies Act makes either the landlord or tenant responsible for any pest control that may be needed.
So how can you be sure you are not doing anything that could potentially lead to pests getting into your home? And how can you identify things your landlord can do to keep pests out of your home?
Some aspects of pest control may seem simple, such as keeping things clean. However, there are many more things that can help ensure a home stays pest-free. For example:
- Keep all rubbish sealed in stored containers and dispose of it regularly
- Ensure proper ventilation within all basements, ceiling spaces, and crawl spaces
- Prevent moisture in basements, ceiling spaces, and crawl spaces as well
- Repair any rotted or deteriorating wood, which many insects are attracted to
- Seal exterior cracks and holes, including entry points for pipes and other utilities
Taking care of these things can help keep a wide range of pests out of your home. Likewise, noting these issues can be a big step in identifying who is at fault for a pest problem.
When to Call an Exterminator for Pest Control
In many cases, people are reluctant to contact an exterminator due to the sometimes-high cost. However, it is important to know when you can take care of pest control on your own and when it is necessary to call for professional help.
You may be able to take care of a pest problem in some situations. However, other situations can lead to damage to your home or even significant health issues if you do not get professional help fast.
Knowing when you should contact an exterminator is always important. Details to consider include the type of pest problem you are dealing with, as well as the extent of the pest infestation in your home.
Proper Pest Control for Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are not only one of the more common household pests, they are also one of the most difficult to get rid of. Missing just a single fertilised female can quickly lead to reinfestation by hundreds of these troublesome critters.
This is why it is typically best to go ahead and contact a professional if you find you have bed bugs in your home. While you may attempt to use a product such as a bug bomb for pest control, this is usually just a temporary solution.
A professional exterminator has the tools and expertise to come to your home, inspect for bed bugs, and spray for insects in the areas where they live. It is also recommended to continue using pest control services on a regular basis. You may choose to stop when the expert finds no more signs of bed bugs.
Proper Pest Control for Cockroaches
If you find you have cockroaches in your home, you may choose to begin by attempting to take care of the problem yourself. There are many things to keep in mind when it comes to pest control for cockroaches.
One of the first things to do is make sure you remove anything in the home cockroaches are attracted to. This includes food, rubbish and sources of moisture.
Many products are available to help take care of a cockroach problem, some of which are:
- Gel bait is an easy way to capture cockroaches in the areas where they crawl.
- Sprays can be used to destroy individual roaches or cockroach nests.
- A fumigator can be used to kill a large number of cockroaches present in the home.
Do note that if you have many cockroaches or find your efforts are failing, there are things a professional can do you cannot. Contacting a pro to get rid of cockroaches quickly may be important because of the potential of these insects to spread disease.
Proper Pest Control for Fleas
Among the first things to do if you have identified fleas in your home is to make sure you get your pets to a veterinarian. Your veterinarian can use the proper methods to completely rid your pet of fleas. They may also check your pet for tapeworms as fleas are common carriers of this parasite.
After this, you will need to ensure your home is treated properly. Among the first steps is to wash your pet’s bedding in hot water to kill any fleas and eggs within. You will also want to vacuum your carpet thoroughly.
Many powders and sprays are available to help combat fleas and flea larvae in your carpet and upholstery. However, if you have had an extensive infestation, it may be wise to go ahead and contact a professional.
Proper Pest Control for Rats and Mice

It can sometimes be difficult to know what to do if you have rats or mice in your home. However, it is vital you take care of the issue quickly. Not only do rats and mice pose a danger to your health, but they can also cause extensive damage as they chew through walls and wiring.
Taking care of rats and mice usually requires using multiple methods all at once. Some of what you can keep in mind when dealing with rats and mice:
- It is important to take care of spaces where these pests are getting into your home.
- Paying attention to food and rubbish is also vital since they often move around in those areas.
- Traps are a good first choice for capturing rodents.
- Pesticides are an option as well, but they should only be used when other options fail, as they can poison other animals.
Because pest control for rats and mice can take so much work, it is often best to reach out and contact an expert. They will know the best methods to use and can take care of the problem much more quickly.
Proper Pest Control for Feral Animals
Getting rid of feral animals around your home can be a challenging task. This is because, typically, you do not want to kill these animals. Humane methods such as baiting and trapping these animals are generally preferred.
This is why, in most cases, it is best to contact a professional if you are having a problem with feral animals around your home. A professional not only knows the best methods for trapping an animal such as a feral cat, feral possum, or birds but will be able to relocate the creature once it is captured.
Other Types of Pest Control
When a pest you are not as familiar with gets into your home, you may not be certain what you should do or if you should call for help with pest control. You will not need professional help in the majority of cases. However, some cases that might require professional help include:
- Spiders – These pests can be left alone unless you have an infestation or you are dealing with dangerous spiders.
- Wasps – You may need to call for help if you find a nest near the home.
- Ants – Large colonies of ants in your lawn can lead to home invasions and require professional extermination.
- Silverfish – These pests feed on paper and cloth items, causing significant damage. Professional extermination is usually necessary.
It is always a good idea to do some research when you notice any type of pest rather than ignore the problem. Taking care of it quickly, whether on your own or with professional help, will ensure it does not lead to bigger issues.
What You Can Expect to Pay for Pest Control

You may not be worried about the overall costs of pest control if your landlord will be the one taking care of it. However, if pest control ends up being your responsibility or you end up having to take care of some of the cost, it is good to know how much you can expect to pay.
Various factors can affect how much pest control will end up costing. The type of pest you need to take care of is one of the most important factors in the overall cost of pest control. Another important factor is the overall size of your pest infestation. Also important to note is how many visits a pest control company will need to make.
Average Pest Control Costs
The cost of pest control can vary greatly depending on the type of pest you need to get rid of. From bed bugs to wasps, pest control companies can help with many types of pest issues. However, you can expect to pay a much larger amount for more difficult pest control jobs.
Rats, mice, and bigger pests:
- Rats and Mice Treatment – Average cost of $200 to $300
- Feral Cat, Possum, or Bird Removal – Average cost of $350 per animal
Cockroaches, bed bugs, silverfish, and fleas:
- Cockroach Treatment – Average cost of $200 for a standard home, though an additional $40 may be added on per extra room
- Bed Bug Treatment – Average cost of $250 to $300 with additional visits usually necessary
- Silverfish Treatment – Average cost of $400
- Flea Treatment – Average cost of $250
Spiders, wasps, and ants:
- Spider Treatment – Average cost of $175 to treat the interior and $280 to treat the interior and exterior
- Wasp Nest Treatment – Average cost of $170
- Ant Treatment – Average cost of $450
It can be difficult to tell exactly how much a job will cost until you have contacted a professional and received an estimate. However, knowing roughly how much pest control will cost can be important for both landlords and tenants when it comes to resolving a pest issue.
Holding a Landlord Responsible for Pest Control

Have you determined your landlord is at fault for the pests in your home? There are many things you can do to hold them accountable. It is usually best to start by simply talking to them and telling them you believe they have breached the Residential Tenancies Act. From there, see if you can work out a solution.
However, some landlords may not be receptive to your claims they have breached the Residential Tenancies Act. If so, you may need to issue a Notice to Remedy. This is a notice giving them 14 days to resolve the issue before you end your tenancy and move out.
In some cases, a landlord will refuse to pay for pest control, but you may not want to end your tenancy. If this happens, you may choose to appeal to the Tenancy Tribunal for a hearing. They can help determine if the landlord was at fault and issue a legally binding order for the landlord to pay for pest control.
When Pest Control Requires Fumigation
Among the many things to note regarding pest control is the landlord is the one required to take responsibility if a house needs to be fumigated. This is true, regardless of why there are pests inside the home.
Fumigation refers to the process of the entire house being filled with a gas to kill off pests. It is typically used only in cases of extreme infestation and in cases where no other form of pest control will work.
If you have found out fumigation is required for pest control, contact your landlord immediately. Let them know about the problem and ask if they will arrange and pay for fumigation. If they are not willing to do so, you may need to take action as mentioned above by contacting the Tenancy Tribunal.
Having pests in or around your home is never pleasant. Determining who should be held responsible for pest control can be even more unpleasant if you are a renter. Fortunately, keeping a few things in mind can make things easier.
The landlord is responsible for ensuring their property is pest-free, but renters may be responsible for pest control if their actions have led to pests within the home. In some cases, landlords and renters may choose to work together to pay for pest control if it is unclear whose actions led to pests.