You’re enjoying a meal with your guests when flies start interfering with your peace. When this happens, most people will want the earth to open up and swallow them whole, and it’s understandable. Flies are not only annoying but also downright embarrassing because they’re mostly associated with unhygienic conditions. But it doesn’t have to get to this.
If you’ve noticed an increased number of flies in your home, it may be time to take measures to get rid of them. There are plenty of ways to do it, some faster than others. We’ve provided a comprehensive guide on how to get rid of those pesky insects and keep your home infestation free. Let’s get this show on the road.
First Things First: Inspection
When you notice flies in your home, your first instinct may be to swat them with a rolled magazine. It never works. These pesky insects are too fast. So save your energy. The first thing you need to do is inspect your house from the outdoors to the inside to find out what’s causing the infestation.
Identifying the root cause of the infestation makes you better placed to get rid of all the flies. Your goal during the inspection should be identifying where the flies are coming from. Also, what’s attracting them, where are they living and breeding, and how they’re getting inside your home? Follow these steps:
- Observe the flies: When they get inside the house, where are they landing? What’s attracting them to that spot?
- Identify the type of flies: It’s also crucial to know what kind of flies you’re dealing with so that you can pick the right course of action.
- Spot their breeding ground: If you’ve noticed numerous flies in your home, chances are they have a breeding ground nearby. Often, it’s somewhere in the outdoors. If you don’t find a potential breeding ground on your property, there’s a chance the flies are coming from the neighboring houses. Explore the areas and talk to the owner to have the issue fixed. If this doesn’t work, it’s advisable to seek advice from the Ministry of Health.
Exclusion and Clean Up

Once you’ve inspected your property and identified the flies’ breeding ground, you can begin the control process. The next step after inspection is exclusion and sanitation. Exclusion refers to keeping the pesky pests outside your home. When you see flies in your house, chances are they got entrance from certain openings in your house. You need to identify these and close them up as your first line of defense.
Begin by examining your windows and doors to identify cracks and openings where the flies could be getting in through. Seal all of them to prevent access. Alternatively, you can use small mesh closings on your windows and doors to keep the pests at bay.
Once you’ve eliminated all possible areas of access, the next step is sanitation. You need to remove all potential breeding grounds in your house, such as food materials. These make it easier for flies to lay eggs and multiply. However, when you keep your home spotless, it isolates the adult fly and makes getting rid of the rest so much easier.
Cleaning Tips to Get Rid of Flies
Sometimes, you may do an excellent job of cleaning your home only to notice flies after only a few days. When this happens, you’re probably missing an area in your home, or you’re not cleaning adequately. To ensure you don’t have a fly problem for a long time, consider the following cleaning tips:
- Don’t slack on the cleaning: Houseflies complete their life cycles in as little as a week. Therefore, just because you cleaned at the beginning of the week, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it again. Ensure your property remains clear of wet surfaces and puddles and pick up any pet mess and rubbish at least twice a week.
- Keep rubbish bins far from the house: Dumpsters and rubbish bins attract numerous flies. To keep the flies at bay, you not only need to keep the bins far from your house but also ensure they are emptied and cleaned often.
- Use tight lids for rubbish bins: Doing this keeps the odour within the bins and keeps the site clean, thereby preventing flies from gathering there.
- Drain stagnant water: Pools of water are excellent breeding grounds for flies and mosquitoes. Ensure you have proper drainage systems set up on your property or keep the areas dry at all times.
- Pick up after your pets: If you have cats and dogs, it may be a good idea to pick up after them every time they have to go. Their droppings attract flies and if left unattended the flies may easily increase in number. Alternatively, train your pets to go in their waste boxes only to save yourself the hassle.
- Keep compost piles at a distance: Compost also attracts flies. Ensure you keep it far from your house so that you don’t have to deal with an infestation or these pesky insects getting into your house.
Source: The Spruce
Invest in House Fly Control Products
You’ve identified all potential breeding grounds, sealed entry points, and cleaned your house, but there are still flies. Unfortunately, it takes more than one measure to get rid of flies completely. Flies enjoy spending time in sunny areas and enter the house at night.
Therefore, it’s crucial to identify their favorite spots and use fly control products to keep them at bay. Some excellent options to consider include:
Residual Spray Insecticides
Residual insecticides are excellent for getting rid of flies because they stay on the surface hours or even weeks after being applied. However, to get the most out of this method, you need to use the insecticide correctly.
It’s advisable to spray the insecticide on a wet surface. However, the surface should only be wet enough to allow the insecticide to flow without forming a puddle. Once you’ve treated the surface, all you have to do is wait for the chemical to do the trick.
When the flies land on the surface and pick up the chemical, they’ll die. Keep applying the insecticide as directed until you no longer have a fly infestation problem.
Dust Insecticides
Some flies hide in cracks and crevices of surfaces. It can be challenging to get to all the nooks and crannies with a spray insecticide in such cases. A better alternative to consider is dust insecticides. These insecticides can get to the deepest parts of the breeding areas. Other benefits of dust insecticides include:
- Longer residual life
- Effortless application
- Affordable
- They attach easily to the insect’s body and legs
- Have little to no odour
However, to reap the benefits of dust insecticides, you need to apply them correctly. These tips will help:
- Don’t be heavy-handed: Too much dust will repel the flies. This beats the purpose of application because you need the flies to land on the dust to die.
- Keep the duster half-full: Dust insecticides must be applied using appliances known as dusters. They need to be half full so that there’s enough air to push the dust effortlessly into the crevices you’re treating. If it’s packed to the brim, it will lead to clumps of dust and over-application, which will repel the flies.
- Use the right duster: Ensure the insecticide brand matches the duster brand. This way, you’re guaranteed proper application.
- Shake the duster before use: This removes clumps and prevents over-application of the insecticide.
- Carry a damp cloth: Accidents happen. Clean excess dust from the surface using a wet cloth to ensure the area is dust-free to avoid repealing the flies.
Pyrethrin Insecticide Aerosols
If you want instant results, pyrethrin insecticide aerosols are the way to go. These come in handy when you have a large infestation of flies indoors, and you need to get rid of them right away. However, while they work fast, they don’t have a lasting residual. Therefore, you’ll need to spray them often to get rid of the flies.
If spraying aerosols every time you want instant results seems like a hassle, consider using an automatic aerosol dispenser. As the name suggests, this appliance releases the aerosol into the space, thereby killing the flies without requiring you to lift a finger. Interesting, right?
Use Fly Baits

It’s also a good idea to set up fly baits in areas where the flies tend to congregate in your home. You can set up the baits indoors or outdoors. It’s best to have several baits in different areas for the best results. Also, make sure you have baits both inside and outside your home. This way, you’re killing off more flies at once.
However, before you set up any baits, it’s crucial to ensure maximum sanitation both indoors and outdoors. Empty and clean all rubbish bins and dumpsters and keep them empty or tightly sealed throughout. Next, clean all surfaces. Doing this eliminates all the flies’ feeding sites leaving your baits as their only option.
As a result, they’ll be attracted to the baits, and when they get into contact with the chemicals, they’ll die. While it won’t happen overnight, you’ll start noticing a reduced number of flies as time goes by. Before you know it, fly infestation will be a thing of the past for you. Consider the following baits.
Electronic Fly Killers
Electronic fly killers are very effective for killing flies. These traps feature ultraviolet tubes to attract the pesky flies and an electrified grill to kill them. Some may also feature a sticky board in place of the electrified grill to catch the flies.
The UV light is not visible to the human eye, but it’s designed to be strong enough to attract the flies to the trap. To get the most out of electronic fly killers, it’s advisable to place them in strategic areas where the flies enjoy hanging out. This makes it more likely to kill as many flies as possible.
Light Traps
Light traps are boxes with lights that attract flies. When the flies get too close to the light, they are killed by an electric zap or trapped. The mechanism of action will depend on the type of lights within the trap.
You should place these traps in flies’ areas of entry like windows and doorways. However, you should not put them too close to the windows or doors because they’ll ruin the area’s aesthetic appeal. What’s more, you should install them at least 5 feet off the floor for the best results.
You can use light traps both indoors and outdoors. These traps are also an excellent choice for business establishments such as restaurants and hotels.
Sticky Traps
Sticky traps are sticky papers that ought to be spread out throughout the house. You can also stick them on entryways and areas where flies are attracted to the most. When the flies get too close to the tape, they get stuck to it.
This is perhaps the simplest, most affordable way to trap flies. However, it’s not the most effective. You should only use this method if you don’t have a serious fly infestation. Alternatively, you can combine it with other methods on this list for the best results.
Source: Healthline
Keep Flies at Bay with Herbs and Plants

Herbs and flowers are also very instrumental in repelling flies. And the best thing about planting herbs and flowers is that you get to enjoy their sweet aroma and aesthetic advantage. You should plant them in areas where you’d like to repel the flies. For instance, if you notice many flies on your patio, it may be a good idea to plant fly-repellant herbs or flowers in the area.
To increase the effectiveness of herbs, bruise the foliage or move it around. Doing so releases the essential oils, which are responsible for repelling flies. Alternatively, use the herbs in their dried variety; they work just as well. Some of the best herbs and flowers you can use to repel flies include:
Lavender is the gift that keeps on giving in the world of herbs. If you plant it in containers or around the garden where flies seem to congregate, you’ll notice a significant reduction in the number of flies there. This herb contains insect repellant essential oils that ensure you don’t have to deal with these pesky pests.
You can also bruise the leaves and apply the essential oils to your skin. When you do this, no fly will get close to you. Lavender also comes with additional benefits. You can add it to your food to increase flavor. Furthermore, adding it to your pet’s beddings repels fleas. Lavender is also a great moth repellant.
Basil will also do an excellent job of keeping flies out of your property. Besides, it has a heavenly aroma and will make any room you place it in smell incredible. Similar to lavender, you can plant basil in containers or the garden.
However, to get the most out of this herb, you need to ensure it’s healthy. You can do so by trimming it back as needed. Apart from keeping flies at bay, basil will also be a good addition to your kitchen since you can use the foliage for additional flavour.
Venus Flytrap
If you’re having trouble controlling flies in your garden, you should consider planting a Venus fly trap plant. This is a carnivorous plant that feeds on insects. When the fly lands on the plant, the plant closes it up inside it. Afterward, it releases digestive juices, which digest the insect for 5 to 12 days. When this time has elapsed, the plant spits out the insect’s exoskeleton.
Rosemary has a strong smell that repels flies. You can plant it in the garden or small containers and place it where flies tend to congregate the most. Planting it in the garden has more advantageous because rosemary also repels cats. Therefore, if you have an issue with cats littering in your garden, this may be the herb for you.
Bay Leaf
You’ve probably used bay leaves to add flavour to your stews and soups. But did you know that this herb is equally beneficial in getting rid of flies. Yes. If you have bay leaves planted in the flies’ hot spots, you’ll gradually notice a reduction in the pesky insects.
Bay leaf is also very effective in getting rid of weevils that invade dried foods such as flour, rice, and quinoa. Simply add a few bay leaves to the containers with your dried foods, and you’ll not have to worry about them.
Another excellent option is mint. Mint works well for repelling flies in its dried state. The herb also does a wonderful job of repelling ants and mice from the house. Therefore, you’ll be hitting three birds with one stone, so to speak.
Tansy herbs have been used to adorn churches since time immemorial. However, this is not the only thing you can do with the plants. They’re also excellent insect repellants. They’ll repel not only flies but also moths, fleas, and ants. This herb also does a great job of repelling mice.
Source: Gardening Know How
Go the DIY Way

Do It Yourself (DIY) fly traps are another way to go. There are a plethora of items lying around your house that can work as great fly repellants. You only need to know which ones to combine, and you’re good to go.
However, you should know that the effectiveness of DIY treatments varies. While one insect-repellant may work better than a store-bought product, another may not be as great. If you’re strapped for cash or need to get rid of flies immediately and don’t have time to rush to the store or grow some herbs, consider the following DIY repellants.
Cayenne Pepper and Water
A fast way to create an insect repellant is to mix some cayenne pepper with water in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture around your house or in areas where the flies tend to gather. Also, spray the solution in the flies’ entryways in the windows and doors.
The mixture will repel all the insects from that area. However, you will need to spray the solution from time to time because it’s not as residual as a store-bought insect repellant.
Dish Soap, Sugar, and Vinegar
These ingredients also make a potent fly repellant. To make this insect repellant:
- Fill a shallow bowl half with an inch of apple cider vinegar.
- Next, add a tablespoon of sugar.
- Afterward, add a small amount of fruit-scented dish soap.
- Combine the ingredients and leave the dish open.
- Alternatively, you can cover the dish with plastic wrap and poke holes on the plastic to ensure the smell escapes.
This mixture is more potent than cayenne pepper and water, especially because you don’t spray or apply it on the surface. Since it’s placed inside a dish, the smell will keep flies away for a longer time. However, you need to ensure you place the container in areas where flies are more likely to go.
Soda Bottle Traps
Another great way to get rid of flies is by using soda bottle traps. For this DIY, you’ll need:
- A 2 litre soda bottle
- Sugar
- Water
- Knife
To create the trap:
- Empty and the 2 litre soda bottle
- Using the knife, carefully cut off the top third of the bottle. This should be just above where the label used to be.
- Pour some sugar and water or a sweetened liquid into the larger container (the bottom third)
- Turn the upper third of the bottle upside down to create a cone shape and use it to cover the larger container.
- Set the trap in areas flies tend to congregate in your home, like near the kitchen, on the patio, or garden area.
- The trap will attract the insects. They’ll get inside the container to access the sweetened liquid but won’t have any way of getting out.
Source: Ehrlich
Clear Decay
If you have fruit trees on your property, you need to pick all the fruits that fall on the ground as soon as you notice them. If you leave them on the ground too long, they’ll rot, and the stench will attract flies. You also need to be careful about piles of decaying vegetation because they also attract flies.
Also, pay attention to organic matter that may get trapped in gutters or other hidden areas in the house. These are also excellent breeding grounds for flies. However, you shouldn’t only be concerned about the outdoors.
Decay can also be a cause of concern indoors. If you have fruit, ensure proper storage, and throw them out once they go bad. If you leave them lying in the house too long, you’ll have trouble with fruit flies or house flies.
Shift to Well-Rotted or Processed Manure

Most people prefer using dung or fish meal for their manure. While these are excellent for manure, they can be perfect breeding grounds for flies if they aren’t properly processed. If you’re not certain how to ensure your dung or fish meal is well processed, or you’ve noticed your manure attracting flies, consider shifting to processed manure. Unlike dung and fish meal, processed manure is well-rotted and won’t attract flies.
Keep Your Cesspit in Tip-Top Condition
A malfunctioning sewage or pool is another reason why you may be having a fly infestation. Fortunately, this is often quite easy to detect since you’ll smell the stench from a distance. If you suspect your cesspit may be causing the fly infestation, it may be time to call the professionals to have it fixed.
Once the issue has been rectified, commit to having the pit regularly maintained to prevent a future infestation.
Clean Up After Eating
Flies enjoy dirty areas. If you have the habit of leaving dirty dishes on the sink or the table for a long time, you’ll often notice an increased number of flies within a short time after having your meals. A quick way to fix this is to get in the habit of cleaning up as soon as you’re done eating.
Take the dishes off the table, wipe the table, and vacuum the floors to clean up any food droppings. Afterward, clean the dishes and wipe all the surfaces clean. Don’t forget to empty the trash can as soon as you’re done. These little habits will drastically reduce the number of flies you have indoors.
Say Hello to a Fly-Free Home
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to get rid of fly infestation. For the best results, it’s best to combine a few of these methods. For instance, instead of only planting herbs around the house, it may also be a good idea to use dust insecticides in hidden fly breeding grounds. However, the most important steps are identifying breeding grounds and removing them, and maintaining regular hygiene.
If the flies have nothing attracting them to your home, they’ll stay away. So don’t give those uninvited guests a reason to visit. Keep all corners of your property spotless!