Worrying about pests invading your home is a nerve-wracking situation. You can hire a company to spray for pests or you can do it yourself. Either way, it is best to know when to spray for pest control. So, when should you spray for pest control?
It is recommended to spray for pest control once every 6-12 months on the inside and outside of the home. In warmer weather, mosquitos, wasps, spiders, and roaches are likely to come into your home, while rats and mice will come inside when it is colder.
It is better to spray as a preventive measure rather than spraying because your home is already infested. Continue reading the article to find out more about when to spray for best control and why you should be spraying for pest control.
When to Spray for Pest Control
It is important to get rid of pests inside your home the very second you notice any sign of them. Allowing pests to become out of control could be very dangerous to anyone living in the home and could cost a lot of money to take care of.
Spraying regularly for pests is the best way to prevent a problem like this from happening. Since the weather is mostly warm in New Zealand, with the exception of a couple of months out of the year, these types of pests commonly find their way into people’s homes:
- Flies
- Mosquitoes
- Ants
- Wasps
- Cockroaches
- Fleas
- Spiders
- Borers
In the colder months, rats and mice will go into homes to stay out of the cold weather. That is why it is recommended to spray for pest control every 6-12 months on the inside and outside of your home. Spraying outside will kill the pests close to your home, like flies, fleas, and mosquitoes, and prevent them from coming inside.
It is best to do this even if you have not seen any signs of pests to avoid a future infestation because they will find a way in if they really want to. It is important to always try to keep your home free of clutter, always put food away, and take the rubbish out regularly. A spray will not fix root causes like those.
Why Should I Spray Even if I Do Not See Pests?

Some people may argue that you should not spray chemicals inside of your home until you see that you have a reason to do so. This is really not the best idea.
You should spray for pests even if you do not see any noticeable signs of pests because they have a nasty habit of having the best hiding spots. They commonly nest in places that do not get much attention.
Here are some of the most common places where pests hide:
- Attics, ceiling spaces, basements, storage cupboards
- Under refrigerators and stoves
- Behind washing machines and dryers
- They can even get inside the walls of your home, which would be impossible to see without tearing through the wall.
All of these places are not likely to be visited very often or cleaned on a regular basis.
If you have seen pests but they are all dead, then do not make the mistake of thinking that you do not have a pest problem because the dead pests still mean that there are pests that made their way into your home, and it is likely that there are live ones there, as well.
It is important to spray for pests even if you do not suspect them so that you can prevent ever having any kind of pest problem.
What Pests Should I Be Spraying for, and Why?
Besides being completely disgusted and getting frightened by these creepy crawlies that we call pests, having pests in your home is extremely dangerous, especially if it is an infestation. Some pests carry diseases, while others may have a painful bite and be poisonous.
Here are the most common household pests in New Zealand and the dangers of having them inside your home:
- Cockroaches– Since cockroaches eat and walk through anything and everything, they can carry and spread a variety of diseases, such as Salmonella, Dysentery, and Gastro-enteritis. Their feces can even cause eczema and asthma.
- Wasps– While wasps are not known to carry diseases, their sting is extremely painful and could be deadly to any person that is allergic. They will build nests just about anywhere and getting stung by a multitude of them would seriously hurt anyone.
- Mosquitoes– Mosquitoes can easily make their way into your home and are known to be the deadliest animal to humans because of how quickly and effectively they can spread diseases.
- Flies- Flies are not only annoying, but they can also carry diseases and parasites. These diseases include things such as: Salmonella, dysentery, and cholera. They are highly attracted to food and reproduce very quickly, which can mean an infestation happening in just a matter of time.
- Ants– New Zealand has 4 common ant species. They include: Argentine ants, Black House ants, Whitefooted house ant, and Southern ants. While these ants do not have an extremely painful bite, they are also highly attracted to food and can easily contaminate it by walking on it.
- Fleas– Fleas are extremely annoying and have a nasty little bite that will itch for hours. They can also be very deadly and transmit diseases. If you did not know, fleas are responsible for the Black Plague, which is still around today.
- Spiders- There are not many poisonous spiders in New Zealand, but there are a few that can cause you serious harm if bitten. While some people do not mind them in their homes because they eat insects, they are quite creepy to see running through your home.
- Termites- Termites can eat through every piece of wood in your home with no problems, which could cause structural damage to your home.
- Rats and Mice- Rats and mice are associated with about 12 different diseases. Not only that, but they can also damage the wiring in your home, furniture, insulation, and leave stains and odors that are difficult to remove from their waste. They could even contaminate the dishes that you eat on and with by walking on them.
Even if you think that you may only have a few pests in your home, it is best to get started on completely eliminating them so that you can keep yourself and family safe and avoid a costly and dangerous infestation.
Leave It to the Professionals

While some may spray for pests themselves, it is best to contact a pest control company. These experienced and knowledgeable technicians will know exactly what kind of chemical to spray and which areas need to be sprayed.
They also know how to safely spray these chemicals so that you and your family can still stay safely in the home after they are finished. A lot of pesticides and other pest removal methods require training and safety equipment to properly employ.
If you don’t know how to do it safely, better leave it to the pros!
Once you give them a call, they will take a look at your home, make a schedule for when they need to spray, and then you can breathe easy knowing that your home will be pest free.
In conclusion, a pest problem could be dangerous and could end up costing you a lot of money to take care of. To prevent something like this from happening, this is something that you should consider:
Always spray your home at least every 6-12 months on the inside and outside. Most insects will try and make their way into homes during the warmer months, while rats and mouse will likely come in when it is colder.
If you are willing to do the research, it is possible that you could easily control pests by spraying for them yourself, but it is advisable to call an experienced pest control company to make sure that the problem is taken care of safely and for good.